Do the maths. Discover the true cost of your car.

Please complete the shaded fields with your own data:

USING YOUR CAR (miles/year)

COSTS Typical Your car
Price at purchase (£) 20000
Expected Years of Service 8
Combined consumption (L/100 miles) (at £1.40/L) 6
Review & maintenance (miles) 15000
Cost of review & maintenance (£) 120
Tyres (x4) (£) 400
Other repairs (£/anual) 200
Technical inspection (£/anual) 30
Insurance (£/anual) 300
Taxes (£/anual) 100
Penalties (£/anual) 100
Tolls (£/anual) 100
Parking/garage/ORA (£/month) 50


COMPARISON £/ year £/month £/day
Skybus COST 0 0 0


Imagine what you could do with all this money.